UAT Selected for Phase I by the Army for their Future Vertical Lift Autonomous Applications

Feb. 25, 2019


Originally posted: Feb. 25, 2019
Last edited: 3 years, 8 months ago

UAT is developing a smart aircraft Inter-Connecting Clamp (ICC) solution with an Augmented Reality Monitoring System (ARMS) for aircraft wiring that improves fuel economy (overall weight reduction of the aircraft), decreases the occurrence of Repetitive Strain Injuries among the workforce, improves aviation training through 3D fault location and visualization, simplifies maintenance, and reduces the environmental impact of CO2 emissions.


UAT is one of 60 companies selected out of hundreds nationally to present its novel technology in support of the US Army and be part of the 2019 Army Expeditionary Technology Search (xTechSearch). The proposals were judged by potential consumers and technical subject matter experts. UAT's innovation called for a Smart non-destructive interconnecting device for wiring systems that continuously monitors and localizes wiring faults and defects through wireless sensors accelerating the development and ability of military training and operation. The ICC replaces a metal legacy design with a new ergonomic and considerably lighter alternative while offering other benefits of an Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality to optimize human-vehicle system safety with potential development under the Army’s Future Vertical Lift (FVL) initiative.


The Army's Future Vertical Lift (FVL) develops replacement aviation platforms, next-generation unmanned aircraft system technologies, aviation protection and aircraft survivability, improved situational awareness, integrated mission systems, advanced power systems, efficient manned-unmanned teaming constructs, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Autonomy.


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