UAT Named Winner of the Berkshire Manufacturing Innovation Challenge

Feb. 7, 2019


Originally posted: Feb. 7, 2019
Last edited: 3 years, 8 months ago

UAT is proud to announce that they were named the winners of the Berkshire Manufacturing Innovation Challenge hosted by Lever, Inc. They secured 25K in funding and made connections with some collaborators who are going to help continue moving the company forward. Some of them being Sinicon Plastics in Dalton, MA and the Institute of Applied Life Sciences from the University of Massachusetts. 

The Rhysings as described by the press pitched to a panel of judges that measured the market value, potential of sustainability, and potential of growth of the company.  After a long deliberation, UAT was named the winner.

This fund will help the company move forward with our prototype and sponsor a human factor research that will further validate the product’s ergonomic benefits to the aerospace workforce. 

This was all made possible thanks to the manufacturing workshops led by Lever. They focus on nurturing growth in enterprises that leverage local assets in Massachusetts. They continuously help startups support, guide, and develop entrepreneurs, as they continue and help fund their companies. If you want to learn more about Lever, visit them here: